International Bogota: Obtain information concerning the international news of the city
Welcome to the international section of This section is coordinated by the Bogotá's International Relations Office.
Here you will find the latest news and topics related to the internationalization of our city. The partnerships with international organizations and events that help us position internationally.
Bogotá: A City Open to the World
The 2024-2027 Bogotá Internationalization Strategy underscores our commitment to strengthening relationships and international cooperation. This strategy aims to consolidate ties and enhance partnerships that benefit both the citizens of Bogotá and the region.
Canales de atención
Carrera 8 # 10-65
Edificio Liévano
(+57) 1 381 3000
Ext.: 1901
Horario de atención
7:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.