The Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, and the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau Ballano, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, last Monday November 8, that seeks to deepen the ties of co-operation and fraternity between the capitals of Colombia and Catalonia.
In the following tweet, the mayor of Bogotá praises this commitment to bi-lateral co-operation:
“Bogotá and Barcelona have had a long history of co-operation and mutual inspiration. Bogotá's civic culture has been a benchmark in Barcelona and, of course, all the urban and progressive evolution of Barcelona has been an inspiration for us,”
Mayor Colau referred to the importance of this memorandum, “It is by updating these relationships and doing it with more strength and conviction than ever. Being the first two women mayors of our respective cities is a democratic advance that must be celebrated and it is a powerful message for girls, so that they see that this is not a coincidental, but a glimpse into their own future.”
By signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Barcelona City Council and the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, the first step is made. The will to work together and to continue with the exchange of ideas, experiences and solutions is made evident. This furthers the goals that comply with the 2030 Agenda, especially in the areas of gender equity and climate change.
By the end of the meeting, the Mayor of Bogotá stressed the main lines of work that will be strengthened with the signing of this document, “Renewing this memorandum of understanding brings us new challenges and new issues that nourish our agenda through collective action, solidarity and empathy. In order to achieve the transformation of climate change, by creating resilient, inclusive sustainable cities, with social justice, talent and innovation. We must take advantage of the technology at our disposal.”
This instrument will be of great help to promote co-ordinated work around projects such as:
- Alternatives that promote the Bogotá "Air Plan" policy,
- Take the lessons learned from Barcelona in the implementation of its climate neutrality strategy.
- Celebrate the Barcelona Good Food Challenge, the Climate initiative and express Bogotá's willingness to accompany the process with projects such as farmer’s markets, community kitchens, among others.
Sustainable mobility
- Share ideas about the regional integration of the public transport system.
- Explore strategies for the electrification of the Barcelona public transport bus fleet.
- Learn about the structure and operation of the Barcelona Public Transport Operator.
Gender mainstreaming
- Present the experiences of Bogotá in the development and implementation of the District Care System.
- Share strategies for dealing with violence based on gender and cultural transformation.
Green Corridor of Carrera Séptima:
- Integrate innovative visions of urbanism such as Barcelona’s Superblocks to the urban transformation of Bogotá.
- Identify successful international strategies that take advantage of the environmental potential of the eastern hills and water corridors, to integrate them into urban design.
- Thank Barcelona for its continued support in the development of the "Participatory governance of the internationalization of Bogotá" project.
- The signing of this Letter of Intent that will increase and strengthen the relationship between Bogotá and Barcelona, allowing the exchange of ideas going both ways thus strengthening existing bonds of friendship.