Recycling efforts in Bogotá highlighted by EFE news agency globally

The creation of 'plastic wood' and the efforts of Bogota's recyclers have caught the attention of the renowned international news agency.
Recycling personnel at work.Photo: Mayor's Office of Bogota
The plastic wood initiative is the first venture led entirely by recyclers in Bogotá.

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In a report called 'La 'madera plástica', gran apuesta de la Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá' (“’Plastic wood’, a great wager led by the Bogotá Recyclers’ Association”), carried out by the EFE news agency, the city's recycling efforts are being highlighted for their special emphasis on sustainability and reuse of resources. 

The article is based on the experience of Nohra Padilla, member of the Association of Recyclers of Bogotá (ARB), who, together with several colleagues explains how they give a new life to objects that others consider useless through the "plastic wood" initiative. 

This venture, according to EFE, is highlighted by the international platform focused on inclusive recycling, Latitud R, as "the first circular venture led 100% by recyclers"

The report is already being republished by a wide variety of international media from countries such as Switzerland, Spain, and the United States. 

We invite you to read the complete article “’Plastic wood’, a great wager led by the Bogotá Recyclers’ Association” by clicking here

In fact, the use of plastic wood as part of the infrastructure in Bogotá is already a reality, as the city currently has an entire stretch of road along with its urban furniture made from this recycled material. 

This is a 3.6-kilometer stretch of the 13th Street bike path with chairs, tables, floors, and planters made of plastic wood. This project was carried out by the District, headed by the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services (Unidad Administrativa Especial de Servicios Públicos-UAESP, as per the acronym in Spanish) together with the Association of Recyclers of Bogotá, and the National Association of Recyclers (Asociación Nacional de Recicladores de Bogotá GAIAREC). 

We invite you to learn more about the recycled material stretch of the bike path in the following article: 

In Bogotá, "garbage" is transformed into plastic lumber