Urban gardening in Bogota, the new activity highlighted by Deutsche Welle

Greening and urban agriculture projects in the capital city of Colombia have caught the attention of the renowned German news media.
Urban orchard being harvested. Photo: Mayor's Office of BogotaMayor's Office of Bogota
Greening and urban agriculture education projects have attracted the attention of international media such as Deutsche Welle. Photo: Mayor's Office of Bogota

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The Urban gardening thrives in Bogotá story produced by the German media outlet Deutsche Welle has highlighted the Colombian capital's work in greening and urban agriculture projects in the city.

The video coverage shares the voices of people who have benefited from projects supported by the Secretariat of Environment and the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden, two entities that depend on the Mayor's Office of Bogota, for the creation and maintenance of initiatives such as urban gardens presented in various areas of the city.

The German media highlighted the value of actions such as these after a complex period such as the pandemic. "This project has brought changes to Bogotá, the new urban gardens have made the city greener and are helping to build strong communities," the Deutsche Welle piece affirms. 

Additionally, the benefits and therapeutic effects that these activities are promoting amongst citizens who are increasingly joining the project were highlighted.

To see the full video, click here