International award for mobility initiative by the Mayor's Office of Bogotá

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) awarded the Mayor's Office of Bogotá the International Leadership Award for the 'Children First' program
International award for mobility initiative
International award for mobility initiative

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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) awarded the Mayor's Office of Bogotá the International Leadership Award for the 'Children First' program, which seeks to protect the lives of pedestrians and cyclists, particularly the city's children.

The Vision Zero for Youth program and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Cities Network highlighted the innovation and safety of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá's 'Children First' program for children in the nation's capital.

Movilidad y niños

Vision Zero for Youth, an initiative of the U.S. National Center for Safe Routes to School, awarded the International Leadership award highlighting the work done by the program to protect the lives of pedestrians and cyclists of the child population while commuting to their educational institutions highlighting:

The commitment of the District Administration to have zero deaths of children and young people on the roads.

● The implementation of measures to pacify traffic and reduce speed in school zones.

● The implementation of the Ciempiés and Al Colegio Bici projects.

● The reduction of the regulatory speed on the roads surrounding educational institutions.

 ● The creation of public spaces to encourage citizens to walk and bike.

"We are honored to recognize the efforts and achievements of a city built on a mobility foundation that encourages active mobility in its new generations. We hope that their commitment to children will be replicated by other cities around the world," said Nancy Pullen-Seufert, Director of the U.S. National Center for Safe Routes to School.

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