A study conducted by Harvard University, highlighted the district´s department of education progress regarding the implementation of rural educational policies, attention to the migrant population and socio-emotional education programs.
On February 23rd, the published results of the study carried out by Harvard University students showed the similarities between Bogota´s educational policies as well as the district development plan with UNESCO´s report “Re-imagining a future together: a new social contract for education”. These reflections are part of the book “Advancing in a new social contract for education”
The main result of this evaluation was that the city and it´s district development plan for the period of 2021-2024, alongside it´s objectives and initiatives around education shared UNESCO´s five key domains:
- Cooperation and solidarity pedagogies.
- Evolution of the common knowledge curriculum.
- The teachers transformative work.
- Protection and transformation of the schools.
- Education throughout time and space.
The result is thanks to the joint work carried out between the District´s department of education (DDE), the renowned Harvard academic Fernando Reimers and his research team, who supported the city in moving forward with effective public policies for Sustainable Development objectives, particularly ODS 4.
The report highlighted how the DDE had implemented different programs that are in line with UNESCO´s previously mentioned domains, as well as achieving going beyond the traditional educational curriculum vision by incorporating topics of great importance like environmental education, development of digital skills, socio-occupational orientation, and autonomous learning, among others.
The report shows an increase in Bogota´s school enrollment, reaching coverage up to 96.3% of the population; this percentage is complemented with low levels of desertion. The report also shows that Reimers agrees with the department of education´s diagnose by acknowledging the difference between rural and urban education. To address this, the sectional has set the goal of implementing rural educational policies in all public educational institutes.
In conclusion, the report made by Harvard university and directed by Fernando Reimers stablishes that Bogota has taken important steps towards the ODS 4 achievement, as well as fulfilling the commitment of the international education agenda stablished by UNESCO. The city still faces important challenges on their path towards their objectives, but nonetheless the city´s practices are a positive example for entities around the world to emulate so they can advance in the transformation of education.