Today, Mayor Claudia López, signed two Memoranda of Understanding with the Chinese cities of Guangzhou and Chengdú; likewise, she signed a Letter of Intent with the city of Xi'an. These actions seek to strengthen mutual cooperation and the exchange of successful experiences focused on improving citizen welfare.
Likewise, with this signing, cooperation will be deepened on issues related to the sectors of education, health, economic development, science and technology, culture, tourism, sustainability, mobility, and urban planning.
Bogotá has already been carrying out exchanges with these three cities. Knowledge exchanges are being explored with Guangzhou on issues related to open government and the administration of metropolitan areas, taking into account that this city is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. In the case of Xi'an, it is worth highlighting the participation of five students from district institutions, who sent their paintings to The World in My Eyes: Traditions of the Nations of the World exhibition held in November of last year.
The signing of these three instruments was possible thanks to the management and mediation of the Embassy of Colombia in China.